Best Practices of San Rafael Elementary School, San Felipe, Zambales, SY 2013-2014
by Isagani Costales Canonizado
SY 2013-2014 marks significant changes in San Rafael Elementary School, San Felipe, Zambales. It is for this year that the school started to document all the significant events that are happening around focusing on the important scenes that are really contributing to the progress of the learners. With these activities being done, pupils display gradual development and the most important, they are learning at their best.
San Rafael Elementary School teachers are very fond of performing variety of teaching practices. These became the best practices of the school because teachers found out that pupils are enjoying their schooling while they are learning. These practices include the following:
1. Learning is Fun Activities
Various activities are being prepared by the teachers in enhancing their lessons. Pupils tend to work with their peers, they investigate for something during their experiment period, they joined hands in searching for the answer, they exchange ideas during focus group discussions, they present their outputs during reporting period, they try to emulsify themselves during their acting out activities, they express their feelings during their composition writing and MAPEH period, and in everything they do, at the end of the day, you will be satisfied upon hearing them say “I ENJOYED and I LEARNED”
2. I Connected
In order to cope up with the advancement in technologies, the school decided to subscribe for an internet connection. By having an internet connection, the school has already its email address, Facebook account and school website. All documentary photos of the school events and activities, including classroom activities were posted in the school Facebook account. The school website is in the process of updating its content that ’s why it still remained as private. Aside from this, pupils are being trained on how to use computers and how to navigate the web.
3. Quarterly Assessment of Learning Outcomes
Just after the quarterly examination, teachers tend to give feedbacks about the outcomes of learning gained by the pupils. Feedbacks are addressed directly to the concerned pupils. Likewise, their parents were informed during the quarterly issuance of report cards.
4. Quarterly Recognition Program
Aside from conducting quarterly assessment of learning outcomes, quarterly recognition program is being done to give certificate of recognition to those pupils who excel in their class. They are receiving “Certificate of Honors” bearing their curricular average and co-curricular points. In line with this, a proposal was submitted to enhance the program by adding other awards for those who display exemplary behavior for the quarter.
5. Conduct School-Based Activities
The school prepared a monthly activity intended for the pupils. It is during this time wherein pupils showcase their talents and skills by taking lead on programs and presentations. Even their wits are being tested in the essay writing competition, quiz bee, spelling bee, slogan writing, poster making and pageantry.
6. School-Based Feeding Program
35% of the net gain of the school canteen was utilized for feeding program. Beneficiaries were identified based from the result of their nutritional status. Those pupils who belonged to “severely wasted” and “wasted” status were the recipients of the School-Based Feeding Program.
At present, Lighthouse Missions Ministry, Inc. adopted the school and currently sponsoring the school-based feeding program. It is indeed a great privilege and honor to have this sponsoring institution as our school partner in eradicating the number of malnourished children in the school.
7. Skills Enhancement Programs
The school initiated various activities to maintain the outstanding performance of the school and at the same time to enhance the skills of the pupils. Teachers and school administrator spare some of their time to come to school even on holidays, Saturdays and Sundays just to give trainings to the pupils. Some of the trainings include Journalism, gardening, recycling, and planning for small time business. Through these activities, the pupils will garner knowledge and skills that they will cherish throughout their lives and that they can utilize in the next ladder of education.
8. Scouts are Ready Every Second
Every intermediate pupil was trained to be prepared at all times. In cases that someone met an accident, they know how to apply first aid. They can also be utilized as errand children in times of community services. Aside from those, they have the heart to share what they have like foods and clothing during calamities.
House-to-house gift giving activity was materialized this year wherein pupils who belonged to poor families received grocery items coming from the school ’s stakeholders. It was indeed one of the good examples of performing one ’s obligations in the community.
Finally, these activities serve as an eye-opener for every pupil in order for them to realize that they have a great role to be performed for the betterment of the citizenry.
9. Nature ’s Avengers
BSP and GSP members together with the SPG officers, YES-O officers and other school organizations officers and members go hand-in-hand to save Mother Nature. They have Tree Planting Activities, Coastal Clean-Up, and Clean and Green Program. These simple yet very timely activities really have momentous impact not only to the lives of these young generations but also to the community where they are doing these activities.
10. Tenderly Yours, SRES
The pupils ’ welfare is one of the primary concerns of the teachers. In order to apprehend this and to let the pupils feel that they are really belonged and accepted in the institution, SRES teaching force find ways and time to reach out these children.
The following activities are being carried out: (1) heart-to-heart talk to those pupils who are experiencing conflict in their lives; (2) sharing foods, clothing and money to the less fortunate or needy pupils; (3) bonding moments wherein they go together in an area just for fun and experience purposes and (4) other activities according to the needs of the pupils. By doing so, rapport between teachers and pupils will be established.
11. Home Visitation Activity
Home visitation activity is being done by the teachers for the purpose of knowing the real situation of every pupil at home. It is during this activity wherein teachers understand why their pupils display such behavior in the school. It served as a great lesson in the life of teachers that their pupils at their very young age are facing many predicaments in their lives; yet, they find time to attend their classes in spite of their situations.
These are the best practices of San Rafael Elementary School. With these, we firmly believe that we can inflict changes to every pupil as long as we have the guts and the will to perform desirable practices for the attainment of the school ’s mission, vision and goals.
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