The Wonderpus Octopus and Mimic Octopus of Indonesia and Malaysia

The beautiful and amusingly named wonderpus octopus is a vividly patterned, long-armed creature that lives in the shallow ocean water around Indonesia and Malaysia. The octopus is a popular photographic subject for divers and has the very apt scientific name of Wunderpus photogenicus.

The wonderpus octopus is usually orange-brown or red-brown in color, with sharply defined white spots on its body and white bars on its arms. The colors and pattern become more dramatic when the octopus is alarmed. Its “head” is branched, with a small eye on each branch, and there ’s a tall, vertical protuberance called a papilla above each eye. The wonderpus octopus has smooth skin, unlike the bumpy skin of many other octopuses.

The wonderpus octopus is often confused with the mimic octopus (Thaumoctopus mimicus), which lives in the same general area and has a somewhat similar pattern of white spots and bands on a darker background. The background color is often dark brown or black in the mimic octopus, while the skin of a wonderpus octopus often has a light brown background. Color isn’t a consistently reliable way to differentiate the two octopuses, however, due to individual variability and the fact that the underwater appearance of the animals is affected by the type of illumination that’s shining on them. In addition, the mimic octopus has the amazing and almost instantaneous ability to change its color, texture, arrangement of the arms around the body and style of movement in order to mimic a wide range of other creatures in its environment.

The wonderpus octopus was officially recognized by scientists in 2006, while the mimic octopus was recognized in 1998. The ocean around Indonesia, Malaysia and their neighbors is proving to be very fertile ground for the discovery of new marine animals, which are often spectacular.

The Octopus Body

Octopuses are invertebrates, but unlike most other invertebrates they are intelligent creatures with a brain and a well developed nervous system, and they have excellent eyesight. Experiments have shown that octopuses can learn, and they have been observed playing with objects. Sadly, they have very short lifespans – from six months in some species to just a few years in others.

Wonderpus and mimic octopuses have soft bodies, although they do have a hard structure in the mouth called a beak, which looks quite similar to a parrot’s beak. The octopus uses the beak to bite its prey. Its mouth also contains a tongue-like structure called a radula which is covered by rasping denticles, or teeth. An octopus’s lack of hard, protective body parts could make it easy for predators such as large fish to attack it, so it needs camouflage techniques and the ability to move fast to protect itself. The soft body does allow an octopus to squeeze into tight spaces, though.

The mantle of an octopus is a thick layer of skin and muscle which forms a bag-like structure that covers the organs. These organs include the three hearts, the digestive, excretory and reproductive organs and the gills, which are used for breathing. The mantle moves as water flows under its edge and over the gills, where oxygen is extracted, and then leaves again. The water is sent out of the body through a tube called the siphon. An octopus can forcibly expel water out of the siphon, which provides jet propulsion and enables the animal to move very rapidly.

Octopuses (at least those that have been studied) also have a poison gland that injects a toxin into their prey as they bite it, and an ink sac that can release a cloud of thick, dark “ink” to confuse potential predators. The skin of octopuses contains a very high density of special cells called chromatophores, which contain pigments. The chromatophores are controlled by the nervous system. As the chromatophores expand and contract they enable octopuses to alter their color, or, as in the case of the wonderpus octopus, to brighten and subdue the colors that are already present.

The Life of a Wonderpus Octopus

Since the wonderpus octopus has only recently been discovered by scientists, and since it doesn’t live for long in captivity, there’s still much that is unknown about its life. Its home is a burrow on the ocean floor. This may be a burrow dug by another animal, or the octopus may dig its own burrow. The octopus emerges from its home to feed at dusk and at dawn. It moves by using its arms to perform a walking motion over the ocean bottom, or it swims.

The wonderpus octopus is a predator and feeds on fish, crabs and perhaps other animals too. Two different methods of catching prey have been observed. The octopus may move over the top of a potential prey animal, expanding the webs attached to its eight arms to form an “umbrella” over the unfortunate animal and then pulling it towards its mouth with an arm and eating it. The octopus may also send one of its arms down into a hole like a probe, grabbing prey with the suckers on the underside of the arm. The wonderpus octopus has the ability to regenerate parts of arms that are lost, and can deliberately release these parts to distract a predator.

Two theories have been proposed to explain why the wonderpus octopus evolved such a dramatic, conspicuous pattern. One theory suggests that the octopus is mimicking dangerous banded animals like sea snakes and lionfish as a form of protection against predators. Another theory says that it may be warning predators that it’s toxic, although the toxicity of the wonderpus octopus hasn’t been proven.


Octopuses of some species have been observed performing complicated courtship displays, which often involve color changes. During mating, the male octopus uses a special arm called a hectocotylus to insert a sac of sperm into the female’s mantle aperture. This process has been observed in wonderpus octopuses. The eggs are fertilized inside the female’s body and then laid. Some female octopuses glue their eggs to the wall of a den and care for them until they hatch, but others, such as the wonderpus octopus, attach the eggs to an arm and carry them around until they are ready to release the young octopuses.

The Mimic Octopus

The mimic octopus’s ability to mimic other creatures is truly astounding. So far it’s been found to impersonate fifteen other animals, including fish, jellyfish, brittle stars, sea anemones, crabs and shrimp, and to choose an appropriate animal to mimic when necessary in order to protect itself from a particular predator.

To mimic a poisonous flatfish the octopus swims with its arms streaming behind it and held together, and its body flattened. To mimic a toxic sea snake, It partially enters a burrow, leaving just two of its arms visible. It can swim in open water and change its movement style, suspending its arms in the water to resemble the dangerous fins of a lionfish. There are some claims that the wonderpus octopus also exhibits the latter two behaviors.

The mimic octopus can also change its color and the texture of its skin to help make its impersonations effective. Some other octopuses can change color to merge with their background, but the mimic octopus is the first octopus known to mimic other creatures. Unlike the wonderpus octopus, the mimic octopus is active during the day, so its excellent ability to impersonate other creatures is very helpful for its survival.

Comparing the Mimic Octopus and the Wonderpus Octopus

Apart from its enhanced ability to change color and mimic other creatures, the behavior of the mimic octopus seems to be very similar to that of the wonderpus octopus. It eats fish, crabs and worms and uses the same methods as the wonderpus octopus to catch its prey, and the female attaches her fertilized eggs to her arms, just as the wonderpus octopus does, yet scientists tell us that these are two different creatures.

There ’s a lot of confusion among observers when they try to distinguish a mimic octopus from a wonderpus octopus. Some of the observations that have been recorded about mimic octopus behavior may actually be observations of wonderpus octopus behavior, and vice versa. If the octopus is changing color in front of us we know that it ’s a mimic octopus, but how else can we tell them apart, especially if a mimic octopus isn ’t altering its color, texture or pattern? Here are some ways.

The wonderpus octopus and mimic octopus are both fascinating animals, and it will be very interesting to see what else researchers learn about them. Perhaps there are even more strange octopuses waiting to be discovered in the ocean near Indonesia and Malaysia!

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