Yüksek Lisans İstanbul Üniversitesi

All courses are three (3) credits.
(Tüm dersler 3 krediliktir.)   ,yüksek lisans hacettepe ,yüksek lisans hazırlık sınıfı ,yüksek lisans haliç üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans ilanları ,yüksek lisans ilanları 2013 ,yüksek lisans ingilizce ,yüksek lisans istanbul üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans için gerekli belgeler ,yüksek lisans için niyet mektubu örneği ,yüksek lisans ilan ,yüksek lisans için ortalama ,yüksek lisans itü

ISE 521 Introduction to Operation Research and Industrial Engineering Topics
The term ‘operations research (OR)’ means “scientific approach to decision making”. In OR, the objective is to optimally design and operate a system, usually under conditions that require allocation of limited resources, and usually under lack of complete information. This is a survey course in OR. Topics include linear programming, network analysis, probability theory, queueing theory, project management, dynamic programming, inventory theory, and nonlinear programming. The analysis of these models using Excel spreadsheets will be emphasized. yüksek lisans hacettepe ,yüksek lisans hazırlık sınıfı ,yüksek lisans haliç üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans ilanları ,yüksek lisans ilanları 2013 ,yüksek lisans ingilizce ,yüksek lisans istanbul üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans için gerekli belgeler ,yüksek lisans için niyet mektubu örneği ,yüksek lisans ilan ,yüksek lisans için ortalama ,yüksek lisans itü
ISE 523 Mathematical Programming and Optimization
This course is an introduction to operations research methodology at the graduate level. A comprehensive overview of deterministic and stochastic models in operations research is given.
Outline: OR Approach: modeling, constraints, objective and criterion. Problems of multiple criteria, optimization, model validation and systems design. OR Methodology: mathematical programming; optimum seeking; simulation, gaming; heuristic programming. Examples, OR Applications: theory of inventory; economic ordering under deterministic and stochastic demand. Production smoothing problem; linear and quadratic cost functions. Waiting line problems: single and multiple servers with Poisson input and output. Theory of games for two-person competitive situations. Project management through PERT-CPM.
Prerequisites: None.
Textbook: Optimization in Operations Research, Ronald L. Rardin, Prentice Hall, 1998.

 ISE 524 System Modeling, Analysis and Simulation
This course builds a holistic framework for analyzing complicated systems in modern manufacturing and service industries.  Process view of organizations is reinforced in a consistent manner and the analysis and improvement of such systems are studied using computer simulations. At the end of the course, the students will master the selected simulation software.
Outline:  Simulation Basics; Queueing Applications; Inventory Applications; Validation and Verification; Group Project.
Prerequisites: Stochastic Models yüksek lisans hacettepe ,yüksek lisans hazırlık sınıfı ,yüksek lisans haliç üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans ilanları ,yüksek lisans ilanları 2013 ,yüksek lisans ingilizce ,yüksek lisans istanbul üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans için gerekli belgeler ,yüksek lisans için niyet mektubu örneği ,yüksek lisans ilan ,yüksek lisans için ortalama ,yüksek lisans itü
Textbook:J. Banks, J. S. Carson B. L. Nelson, and D. M. Nicol. 2000. Discrete-Event System Simulation.ISE 525 Dynamic Programming     (3+0) 3
Introduction to theory and computational aspects of dynamic programming and its application to sequential decision problems.ISE 526 Stochastic Processes yüksek lisans hacettepe ,yüksek lisans hazırlık sınıfı ,yüksek lisans haliç üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans ilanları ,yüksek lisans ilanları 2013 ,yüksek lisans ingilizce ,yüksek lisans istanbul üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans için gerekli belgeler ,yüksek lisans için niyet mektubu örneği ,yüksek lisans ilan ,yüksek lisans için ortalama ,yüksek lisans itü
This course is an introduction to probabilistic models that are widely used in engineering and management science. A course in the theory of probability is a prerequisite.
Outline:  Markov Chains; Renewal Theory; Markov Decision Processes: Queueing Theory; Inventory Control.
Prerequisites: Theory of Probability
Textbook: Introduction to Probability Models, Sheldon Ross, John Wiley.

ISE 528 Network Flows
An in-depth study of network flow models in operations research with an emphasis on combinatorial solution approaches. All classical network flow models will be considered in detail; including shortest paths, maximum flow, and min-cost flow. A variety of techniques will be shown (including some data structures) for constructing efficient algorithms.

ISE 531 Probability and Statistics for Engineers
General probability and statistical concepts and techniques useful for engineers and researchers in engineering.
Outline: Combinatorial probability, independence, conditional probability, random variables, discrete and continuous probability models, expectation and moments, central limit theorem, estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, tests of means and variances, goodness-of-fit, regression, analysis of variance, and experimental design.
Prerequisites: None.
Textbook: Jay DeVore, Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, 7th ed., Duxbury.

ISE 532 Reliability Engineering
The reliability concept and the methods to measure the reliability of the complex engineering systems. Optimization theory and statistical analysis will be used to evaluate and optimize the system reliability. Reliability and hazard functions, system reliability evaluation, system reliability optimization, time and failure dependent reliability.
Prerequisites:  Probability and Operation Research.
Textbook: Reliability Engineering, E.A. Elsayed

ISE 533 Econometrics and Forecasting yüksek lisans hacettepe ,yüksek lisans hazırlık sınıfı ,yüksek lisans haliç üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans ilanları ,yüksek lisans ilanları 2013 ,yüksek lisans ingilizce ,yüksek lisans istanbul üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans için gerekli belgeler ,yüksek lisans için niyet mektubu örneği ,yüksek lisans ilan ,yüksek lisans için ortalama ,yüksek lisans itü
Simple and multiple regression models; relaxing the assumptions of the classical model: multi-collinearity, heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation, model specification. Topics in econometrics: regression on dummy variables, the LPM, logit and probit models, autoregressive and distributed lag models; simultaneous-equation models.
Textbook: Business Forecasting, Hanke & Wichern, 2009. Prentice Hall.

 ISE 535 Applied Data Analysis
This course will introduce basic concepts and techniques in applied data analysis including regression modeling, analysis of variance, and experimental design. The emphasis will be on statistical methods and models that are widely used across many disciplines.
Outline: Regression (simple, multiple, polynomial), logistic regression, analysis of variance, and experimental designs (one-way, randomized block designs, multi-way factorials, incomplete blocks, and repeated measures).
Prerequisites: Basic probability and statistics.
Textbook: Applied Linear Statistical Models, Kutner, Nachtshem, Neter, Li, McGraw Hill/Irwin. yüksek lisans hacettepe ,yüksek lisans hazırlık sınıfı ,yüksek lisans haliç üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans ilanları ,yüksek lisans ilanları 2013 ,yüksek lisans ingilizce ,yüksek lisans istanbul üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans için gerekli belgeler ,yüksek lisans için niyet mektubu örneği ,yüksek lisans ilan ,yüksek lisans için ortalama ,yüksek lisans itü

ISE 536 Quality Management  (3+0) 3
Audit objectives and responsibilities, selection of lead auditor, evaluation of auditor candidates, audit team, managing an audit program. Initiating, preparing and executing an audit, audit documents, audit completion, corrective action follow-up. (Prerequisite: Senior standing and consent of instructor).
Textbook: Introduction to Quality Management: Assurance and Control, Hutchins, 1991. Prentice Hall.

ISE 537 Data Mining
This course will cover basic concepts and techniques in data mining.
Outline: Data mining: definitions, introduction, examples, and the process data preparation & reduction, regression (review only), decision trees, neural networks support vector machines, naïve Bayes, k-nearest neighbor, cluster analysis, association rule mining, Kohonen self-organized feature maps, misc. topics and techniques: principal components, pruning, boosting, bagging, cross-validation, bootstrap.
Prerequisites: Familiarity with multiple linear regression and basic ability to program.
Textbook: Introduction to Data Mining: Tan, Steinbach, and Kumar; Addison Wesley, 2006.

ISE 538 Design of Experiments yüksek lisans hacettepe ,yüksek lisans hazırlık sınıfı ,yüksek lisans haliç üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans ilanları ,yüksek lisans ilanları 2013 ,yüksek lisans ingilizce ,yüksek lisans istanbul üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans için gerekli belgeler ,yüksek lisans için niyet mektubu örneği ,yüksek lisans ilan ,yüksek lisans için ortalama ,yüksek lisans itü
Principles of experimental design: randomization, blocking, transformations, fixed and random effects. Single factor experiments, Latin squares, factorial experiments, analysis of covariance, response surface design.
Textbook: Design and Analysis of Experiments, Douglas Montgomery, 2008. Wiley.

ISE 541 Product Design and Innovation
New product development requires teams of technical and non-technical people to work across disciplines. This course covers a wide range of topics concerning customer driven product innovation, new product development processes, tools, techniques, and organizational skills (Prerequisite: Consent of instructor).
Textbook: Innovation Management and New Product Development, Trott, 2008. Prentice Hall.

ISE 542 Advanced Materials Science for Engineers  (3+0) 3
The course introduces the principles of structure and processing on advanced materials for their functional uses. Methods of treatment and processing for structural improvement is presented. Materials under stress and strain, defect mechanisms and flow are described. Course is also solid introduction to the electrical, optical and magnetic properties of materials with comprehensive coverage of electronic properties in metals, semiconductors, and insulators at a fundamental level. Mechanical and electrical test and analytical methods are also introduced. Discusses the fundamental solid-state properties and new technologies that lead to nanomaterials, thin film technologies and cutting-edge products. (Prerequisite: Consent of instructor)
Textbook: Materials Science and Engineering: Introduction, by William Callister, ISBN: 9780471736967, Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

ISE 544 Design for Manufacturability     (3+0) 3
Interactive relations between material, design, manufacturing, and service for a product will be discussed using case studies. Design for manufacturability and sustainability will be exercised on open-ended industrial problems.
Outline: Impact of design on manufacturing, part and service cost; Impact of design on manufacturability, assembly, waste; energy utilization; Case studies.
Prerequisites: None.
Textbook: Selected readings and presentations.
ISE 545 Modern Manufacturing Technologies  (3+0) 3
In this course, several modern manufacturing processes and system types will be discussed with real examples and cases from industry.
Outline: Developments in traditional manufacturing process technologies; Non-traditional manufacturing processes; Manufacturing system types and emerging paradigms; Selection of manufacturing processes and systems for selected products.
Prerequisites: None. yüksek lisans hacettepe ,yüksek lisans hazırlık sınıfı ,yüksek lisans haliç üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans ilanları ,yüksek lisans ilanları 2013 ,yüksek lisans ingilizce ,yüksek lisans istanbul üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans için gerekli belgeler ,yüksek lisans için niyet mektubu örneği ,yüksek lisans ilan ,yüksek lisans için ortalama ,yüksek lisans itü
Textbook: Selected readings and presentations.

ISE 546 Manufacturing Systems  (3+0) 3
Introduction to the modern manufacturing systems; Manufacturing system types and classification; Major differences and interactions between different manufacturing systems; Manufacturing system design, analysis and simulation
(Prerequisite: Consent of instructor).
Textbook: Analysis and modeling of manufacturing systems, By S. B. Gershwin, Yves Dallery, Chrissoleon T. Papadopoulos; 2003, Kluwer Academic Publishers; ISBN 1-4020-7303-8

ISE 548 Lean Manufacturing and Operations  (3+0) 3
Overview of lean principles; Lean philosophy, history and basic methods; Lean system design: current state, optimal state and pull design; Pull system mechanics: Kanban, containerization, tools to determine and control inventory; Factory layout for lean manufacturing: basic models and options; Lean system design: analysis of throughput, cycle time, bottlenecks, material flow; Impact of supply chain; Integration of six-sigma into lean;
(Prerequisite: Senior standing).
Textbook: Design and Analysis of Lean Production Systems, R G Askin, J B Goldberg, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2007, ISBN8126514493.

ISE 551 Advanced Topics in Project Management
Project management (PM) encompasses almost all aspects of lives and crosses all industries. This class provides a solid footing in project management practices, lays the foundation for an understanding of the basic principles of good project management methodologies.
Outline: Developing basic PM skills; Initiating a project; Planning and acquiring resources; Assessing risk; Developing the project plan; Budgeting; Execution and controlling outcome; Assemble team; Problem resolution; Monitor project processes; Close-out the project.
Textbook: A collection of book chapters and articles from various resources:
Kim Heldman, PMP, Project Management-Jump Start. Wiley, 2005.
Rory Burke, Project Management Techniques. Burke Publishing, 2007.
Robert Heller, Managing Teams, DK Publishing Inc., 1998.
Loren B. Belker and Gary S. Topchik, The First-Time Manager, AMA, 2005.

ISE 552 Logistics and Supply Chain Management yüksek lisans hacettepe ,yüksek lisans hazırlık sınıfı ,yüksek lisans haliç üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans ilanları ,yüksek lisans ilanları 2013 ,yüksek lisans ingilizce ,yüksek lisans istanbul üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans için gerekli belgeler ,yüksek lisans için niyet mektubu örneği ,yüksek lisans ilan ,yüksek lisans için ortalama ,yüksek lisans itü
This course reviews the contemporary issues is supply chain management and logistics. Various supply chain strategies are discussed using case studies.
Outline: Demand Forecasting; Logistics Network Design; Contracting in Supply Chains; Bullwhip Effect, Information Sharing, Vendor-Managed Inventory; Supply Chain Design – Efficient vs. Responsive Supply Chains; Sourcing: Procurement Auctions, Forward Buying; Quality and Supply Risks; Pricing: Dynamic Pricing, Revenue Management
Prerequisites: Production Operations Management
Textbook:  Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Cases. David Simchi-Levi, Philip Kaminsky.
ISE 553 Engineering Management
The course will address the organizational behavior and challenges for engineers, especially dynamics of globally distributed work teams. It will focus on developing practical new approaches to typical managerial problems faced in all sizes of corporate local or global companies. There will be emphasis on converting problematic situations into opportunities for improvement.  Understand role and function of management in an organization; Alternative strategies to generic problems; Leadership and enhancing creativity; Successful work teams and communication skills; Conflict resolution; Time and stress management.
Textbook: A collection of book chapters and articles from various resources.

ISE 554 Technology and R&D Management yüksek lisans hacettepe ,yüksek lisans hazırlık sınıfı ,yüksek lisans haliç üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans ilanları ,yüksek lisans ilanları 2013 ,yüksek lisans ingilizce ,yüksek lisans istanbul üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans için gerekli belgeler ,yüksek lisans için niyet mektubu örneği ,yüksek lisans ilan ,yüksek lisans için ortalama ,yüksek lisans itü
Historical Development. Functions of Technology Management: Planning and Forecasting, Decision Making, Human Aspects of Organizing, Leading Technical People, Controlling. Managing Technology: Managing Research and Development, Managing Engineering Design, Planning Production Activity, Managing Production Operations, Engineers in Marketing and Service Activities. Managing Projects: Project Planning and Acquisition, Project Organization, Leadership, and Control. Engineering Ethics. Globalization and Challenges for the Future.
Textbook: Managing Engineering and Technology, Lucy C. Morse, Dan L. Babcock, Prentice Hall, 2010.

ISE 561 Engineering Economy and Decision Analysis
Economic parameters play a significant role in decision making. This course introduces key economic, financial and accounting concepts for the engineering student and builds a framework for managerial making decision making.
Time Value of Money; Cash Flow Analysis; Risk Analysis, Decision Trees and Real Options; Cost Accounting Basics; Managerial Accounting.
Prerequisites: None.
Textbook:  Engineering Economic Analysis, Donald Newnan, Ted Eschenbach, and Jerome Lavelle.

ISE 571 Facility Layout Planning
Design of production, distribution and inventory systems. Process design, materials handling, work area design, storage and warehousing, service area planning. Machine scheduling; number, size and location of facilities in a system; capacity planning; design of delivery routes.
Prerequisites: None
Textbook: Facilities Planning and Design, Garcia-Diaz & Smith, 2008. Prentice Hall.

ISE 572 Game Theory
This course introduces essentials of game theory and covers a variety of game theoretical models including decentralized decision making, conflict resolution, coordination, bargaining, procurement auctions and mechanism design.
Outline: Decision making under uncertainty; Simultaneous move games; Stackelberg leadership model; Double Marginalization in Supply Chains and Supply Chain Coordination; Bargaining Models: Theory and Practice; Cooperative Game Theory; Principle-Agent Model; Mechanism Design; Optimal Auction Design.
Textbook: An Introduction to Game Theory, Martin J. Osborne. Oxford University Press, 2003.
Game Theory with Economic Applications, Bierman & Fernandez. Prentice Hall, 1998.
ISE 615 Advanced Topics in Management Information Systems  yüksek lisans hacettepe ,yüksek lisans hazırlık sınıfı ,yüksek lisans haliç üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans ilanları ,yüksek lisans ilanları 2013 ,yüksek lisans ingilizce ,yüksek lisans istanbul üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans için gerekli belgeler ,yüksek lisans için niyet mektubu örneği ,yüksek lisans ilan ,yüksek lisans için ortalama ,yüksek lisans itü
This course is about building and integrating information systems into manufacturing and service operation systems including engineering, business and customer functions in an enterprise.
Outline: Client-server models for both practical and methodological cases; System architecture for intranet and internet-based systems; Legacy systems and their integration issues into modern information system architecture; Distributed computing and data management; Project based on real case problems involving prototyping small-to-medium info systems from design to implementation.
Textbook: Management Information Systems, 11/e, Laudon & Laudon, Prentice Hall, 2010.
Outline: This course provides the students an overview about the optimization problems encountered in the industry and involves mainly reading and presenting papers in addition to preparing a final project.
Prerequisites: None
Textbook: A collection of book chapters and articles from various resources.

ISE 624 Combinatorial Optimization
Pure, mixed, and zero-one integer programming problems. Network flows, packing, covering and partitioning.
Outline: Branch and bound methods. Cutting planes and polyhedral approach. Heuristic methods and dynamic programming. Complexity theory: NP-completeness. Computer implementation and applications in industry.
Prerequisites: ISE 621.
Textbook: Introductory Combinatorics, Richard A. Brualdi, Pearson, 2010.

ISE 628 Advanced Topics in Operations Research
This course examines theory, models, and applications of Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). MDPs are sometimes referred to as controlled Markov chains and the underlying theory is called stochastic dynamic programming (SDP). MDPs have applications in many areas including revenue management, artificial intelligence, transportation, and financial engineering.
Outline: Model formulation; deterministic DP; finite horizon and infinite horizon models; total-reward and average reward criteria; Bellman’s equation; value and policy iteration; linear programming methods; partially-observed MDPs and approximate DP. Applications and computer assignments.
Textbook: Markov Decision Processes: Discrete Stochastic Dynamic Programming by Martin L. Putterman.

ISE 633 Advanced Topics in Quality Engineering
Total Quality Management; history, concepts, principles, tools and models. Principles of quality control systems, process control and capability concepts, control charts, acceptance sampling plans, cost of quality, modern concepts in quality control and management.
Prerequisites: Basic engineering background.
Textbook: Modern Methods For Quality Control and Improvement by Harrison M. Wadsworth, Kenneth S. Stephens, and A. Blanton Godfrey, 2001.

ISE 636 Financial Econometrics yüksek lisans hacettepe ,yüksek lisans hazırlık sınıfı ,yüksek lisans haliç üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans ilanları ,yüksek lisans ilanları 2013 ,yüksek lisans ingilizce ,yüksek lisans istanbul üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans için gerekli belgeler ,yüksek lisans için niyet mektubu örneği ,yüksek lisans ilan ,yüksek lisans için ortalama ,yüksek lisans itü
Outline: Econometric and statistical methods as applied to finance. Topics include: Overview of Statistical Methods; Predictability of asset returns; Discrete time volatility models; Efficient Portfolio and CAPM; Multifactor Pricing Models; Intertemporal Equilibrium and Stochastic Discount Models; Expectation and present value relation; Simulation methods for financial derivatives; Econometrics of financial derivatives; Forecast and Management of Market Risks; Multivariate time series in finance; Nonparametric methods in financial econometrics.
Prerequisites: Basic probability and statistics.
Textbook: Financial Econometrics: From Basics to Advanced Modeling Techniques
Svetlozar T. Rachev, Stefan Mittnik, Frank J. Fabozzi, Sergio M. Focardi. Wiley, 2007.

ISE 654 Production and Operations Management
This course builds a framework for evaluating and improving operations in the manufacturing and service industries. The course spans a range of topics from inventory management and process analysis to supply chain management and quality control. Basic tools and concepts are reviewed with an emphasis on practical applications.
Outline: Operations Strategy; Process Analysis: Cycle time, work-in-process inventory, bottleneck analysis; Inventory management: EOQ, newsvendor model, (Q,r) model; Capacity planning and variability; push and pull systems; Material Requirements Planning and ERP systems; Quality: Six-sigma, Lean; Global Sourcing.
Prerequisites: Statistics
Textbook: Factory Physics, Wallace Hopp, Mark Spearman.

CSE 522 Advanced Topics in Distributed Systems
In this course, we cover the fundamental problems in distributed systems and the various tools used to solve them. Of primary interest is the issue of fault-tolerance. Topics include event ordering, clocks, global states, agreement, fault-tolerance, and peer-to-peer systems.

CSE 526 Network Security
The theoretical and practical aspects of network security. Threat models, vulnerabilities of computer networks to attacks by adversaries and hackers using a variety of techniques. Methods and techniques to circumvent or defend against these attacks and to minimize their damage. Cryptographic techniques and protocols, network security protocols, digital signatures and authentication protocols, network security practice, and wireless network security.
Security attacks, mechanisms, and services; network security and access security models; overview of secret-key and public-key cryptography; authentication protocols and key management; network security practice; email security; IP security and web security; intrusion detection and prevention systems; firewalls and virtual private networks; wireless network security.

yüksek lisans hacettepe ,yüksek lisans hazırlık sınıfı ,yüksek lisans haliç üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans ilanları ,yüksek lisans ilanları 2013 ,yüksek lisans ingilizce ,yüksek lisans istanbul üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans için gerekli belgeler ,yüksek lisans için niyet mektubu örneği ,yüksek lisans ilan ,yüksek lisans için ortalama ,yüksek lisans itü

CSE 530 Software Engineering
In this course, students learn the principles of software engineering disciplines emphasizing requirements analysis, specification design, coding, testing and correctness proofs, maintenance, and management. Students use a number of software engineering tools.

CSE 516 Cryptography
Methods, algorithms, techniques, and tools of cryptography. Algorithmic and mathematical aspects of cryptographic methods and protocols, such as secret-key cryptography, public-key cryptography, hash functions, and digital signatures. Solving particular data and communication security problems. This course material is useful for computer science, electrical engineering, and mathematics students who are interested in learning how cryptographic algorithms and methods are embedded in information systems, providing confidentiality, integrity, non-repudiation, and authenticity of stored and transmitted digital data.

EE 521 Linear Dynamical Systems    yüksek lisans hacettepe ,yüksek lisans hazırlık sınıfı ,yüksek lisans haliç üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans ilanları ,yüksek lisans ilanları 2013 ,yüksek lisans ingilizce ,yüksek lisans istanbul üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans için gerekli belgeler ,yüksek lisans için niyet mektubu örneği ,yüksek lisans ilan ,yüksek lisans için ortalama ,yüksek lisans itü
Course offers an introduction to applied linear algebra and linear dynamical systems with applications to circuits, signal processing, communications, control systems and autonomous dynamical systems.
Textbook:  Course materials provided by the instructor.

EE 523 Motion planning
The purpose of this course is to provide a coherent framework of motion planning algorithms. There will also be a discussion of existing methods to solve specific problems. The focus will be on robust, efficient, and practical algorithms, with some form of provable guarantee of performance, over purely heuristic techniques or with optimum worst-case performance.

EE 526 Computational Biology yüksek lisans hacettepe ,yüksek lisans hazırlık sınıfı ,yüksek lisans haliç üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans ilanları ,yüksek lisans ilanları 2013 ,yüksek lisans ingilizce ,yüksek lisans istanbul üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans için gerekli belgeler ,yüksek lisans için niyet mektubu örneği ,yüksek lisans ilan ,yüksek lisans için ortalama ,yüksek lisans itü
This course focuses on algorithms derived from computer science such as robotics, computational geometry to study structure and motion of molecules.
Prerequisites: ISE 611
Textbook: Course materials provided by the instructor.

EE 527 Bioinformatics
This course is an algorithmic principles driving in bioinformatics. It emphasizes the relatively few design techniques used in diverse range of practical problems in biology such as DNA mapping, genome rearrangements, statistical methods for gene prediction and molecular evolution.
Textbook: An introduction to Bioinformatics, Jones and Pevzner, 2005.

ISE 543 Micro-fabrication
This graduate and senior undergraduate course presentsa broad overview of micro-nanofabrication technologies and the science of miniaturizationto engineering and science students. This science comprises an understanding ofthe intended application, knowledge of the different manufacturing options,familiarity with all material choices, and an understanding of scaling laws.Different options to make very small machines (micro and nano size) arereviewed and materials choices are discussed..
Textbook: “Fundamentals of Microfabrication, The Scienceof Miniaturization” Second Edition by Marc Madou, CRC Press 2002.

ISE 547 Nano-manufacturing and devices
This graduate and seniorundergraduate course gives an overview of the main directions in nanotechnology/nanoscience,presents existing applications, and makes a critical presentation of some ofthe future visions in nanotechnology. Students will be provided with a surveyof key concepts and state of the art research in the areas of nanotubes,nanowires, nanoparticle applications, nanoelectronics, photonics,nanobiotechnology, scanning probe microscopy, and surface science
Textbook:Innovation Management and New Product Development, Trott, 2008. Prentice Hall.

EE 551 Design and Manufacturing in Electronics Industry
In this course, contemporary issues in circuit design, optical systems, microwave systems, communications and biotechnology.
Outline: Design consideration in electronic devices: consumer electronics, high frequency components, optoelectronic materials; Density of integration; Review of manufacturing steps; Review of testing and device characterization process; Prototype development.
Prerequisites: None
Textbook: Lecture notes and seminar viewgraphs


ISE 690 Project Course
A topic is selected and a project proposal will be prepared by the student with the approval of the academic advisor. The student makes research about the proposal, studies the literature, collects data when needed and submits a project report at the end of the semester. A presentation to the class completes the work. The grade will be Satisfactory (S) or Failure (F). yüksek lisans hacettepe ,yüksek lisans hazırlık sınıfı ,yüksek lisans haliç üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans ilanları ,yüksek lisans ilanları 2013 ,yüksek lisans ingilizce ,yüksek lisans istanbul üniversitesi ,yüksek lisans için gerekli belgeler ,yüksek lisans için niyet mektubu örneği ,yüksek lisans ilan ,yüksek lisans için ortalama ,yüksek lisans itü

ISE 691 Graduate Seminar
The course aims at widening students’ perspectives through seminars offered by faculty, guest speakers and graduate students about various industrial engineering subjects. Scientific research methods are presented. Each student is expected to study a selected topic in greater detail and submits a report at the end of the semester. A presentation to the class completes the work. The grade will be Satisfactory (S) or Failure (F).
ISE 699 Master of Science Thesis.

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