Bitirme Tezi Bilgisayar Mühendisliği

Departmental Courses

  bitirme tezi örnekleri, bitirme tezi, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi kapak, bitirme tezi önsöz örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz örneği, bitirme tezi sunum örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz, bitirme tezi teşekkür yazısı, bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, bitirme tezi örnekleri, bitirme tezi örneği, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi kapak, bitirme tezi önsöz örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz örneği, bitirme tezi sunum örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz, bitirme tezi teşekkür yazısı, bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, bitirme tezi arama, bitirme tezi abstract, bitirme tezi anket örnekleri, bitirme tezi alma şartları, bitirme tezi android, bitirme tezi almanca, bitirme tezi ara raporu, bitirme tezi amacı, bitirme tezi animasyon, bitirme tezi en az kaç sayfa olmalı, özel ders, bitirme tezi,

Courses Taken From Other Departments

Technical Elective Courses

Departmental Courses

ISE 111 – Introduction to Information Systems and Techonologies
Overview of computer information systems. Fundamental computer concepts. Information processing techniques. Introduction to database concepts. Business and management. Management information systems. E-business and e-commerce. Introduction to algorithms and programming.
ISE 102 – Introduction to Management Information Systems
Principles and concept in business information systems: resource management, customer relationship, supply chain management, legal and professional issues. Strategic impact of information systems. Project management issues: project selection, scheduling, control and evaluation.
ISE 201 – Business and Ethics
Ethical concepts relevant to resolving moral issues in business and decision making. Moral issues in the management of specific problem areas in business. Social and natural environments within which moral issues in business arise.
ISE 301 – Multimedia Systems
Multimedia terminology and concepts, multimedia data types (digital audio, video, image). Image compression techniques. Audio and video compression techniques. Introduction to multimedia editing tools.
ISE 311 – Internet Programming
Internet Programming Environments. Home Page Design with HTML and DHTML. JavaScript, Client-Server Model, Client Side Scripts, and Server-Side Scripts. Web Servers (installation on different OS such as Unix/Linux, and Microsoft, setting up the required components, administration). CGI, SSI, SSL, Certification, Cookies, and Sessions. Database Integration. Web Security. XML. Designing Interactive Internet Applications.
ISE 399 – Summer Practice I

  bitirme tezi örnekleri, bitirme tezi, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi kapak, bitirme tezi önsöz örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz örneği, bitirme tezi sunum örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz, bitirme tezi teşekkür yazısı, bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, bitirme tezi örnekleri, bitirme tezi örneği, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi kapak, bitirme tezi önsöz örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz örneği, bitirme tezi sunum örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz, bitirme tezi teşekkür yazısı, bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, bitirme tezi arama, bitirme tezi abstract, bitirme tezi anket örnekleri, bitirme tezi alma şartları, bitirme tezi android, bitirme tezi almanca, bitirme tezi ara raporu, bitirme tezi amacı, bitirme tezi animasyon, bitirme tezi en az kaç sayfa olmalı, özel ders, bitirme tezi,

A minimum of four weeks of training in the industry involving the observation of the hardware and software components of a computer system in use. A summer practice report is prepared that lists the experiences of the student during the four weeks period.
ISE 316 – e-Commerce
A context for developing e-Commerce applications. Types of e-Commerce applications. Identifying and describing an e-Commerce applications. E-Commerce feasibility. E-Commerce requirement analysis. High-level, detailed and technical design and construction. E-business models. Internet marketing. Online monetary transactions. Internet taxation. Legal, ethical and social issues. Testing and implementation: JavaScript, JScript, DHTML, CSS, ASP, XML.
ISE 350 – Data Warehousing and Mining
Data warehousing fundamentals. Planning, design and implementation and administration of data warehouses. Data cube computation. OLAP query processing. Fundamentals of data mining and relationship with data warehouse and OLAP systems. Association rule mining. Algorithms for clustering, classification and rule learning.
ISE 403 – Information Systems Development
Information systems. Strategy and information systems. Business information technology. Distributed systems. Internet and www. E-commerce and business. Business intelligence. File organizations and databases. Process analysis and modeling. Data analysis. Systems design. Detailed design and implementation. Object oriented approaches. Systems development. Expert systems and knowledge bases.
ISE 491 – Senior Project I
Computer-based project development in teams. Project management issues. Project documentation and related international standards. Presentation of project’s progress on the project web site. Realization of literature survey and the typical phases of the system development life cycle.
ISE 499 – Summer Practice II

  bitirme tezi örnekleri, bitirme tezi, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi kapak, bitirme tezi önsöz örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz örneği, bitirme tezi sunum örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz, bitirme tezi teşekkür yazısı, bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, bitirme tezi örnekleri, bitirme tezi örneği, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi kapak, bitirme tezi önsöz örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz örneği, bitirme tezi sunum örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz, bitirme tezi teşekkür yazısı, bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, bitirme tezi arama, bitirme tezi abstract, bitirme tezi anket örnekleri, bitirme tezi alma şartları, bitirme tezi android, bitirme tezi almanca, bitirme tezi ara raporu, bitirme tezi amacı, bitirme tezi animasyon, bitirme tezi en az kaç sayfa olmalı, özel ders, bitirme tezi,

A minimum of six weeks of training in an IT department/company involving the observation of the hardware and software components of a computer system. Students are expected to be involved in software/hardware development projects of the IT department/company. A summer practice report is prepared that presents the experiences of the student during the six weeks period.
ISE 412 – Computer Security
Cryptographic tools. User authentication. Access control. Intrusion detection. Malicious software. Denial-of-service attacks. Firewalls. Trusted computing. Buffer overflow. Software security. Physical security. Human factors. Symmetric encryption and message confidentiality.
ISE 492 – Senior Project II
The continuation of “ISE 491 Senior Project I” with the emphasis on the development of the proposed system. The students are required to submit reports, present their activities, and demonstrate the completed projects.

Courses Taken From Other Departments

CHEM 102 – General Chemistry
Introduction: Matter and Measurement. Atoms, Molecules and Ions. Stoichiometry: Calculations with Chemical Formulas and Equations. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions. Thermochemistry. Electronic Structure of Atoms. Periodic properties of the Elements. Basic Concepts of Chemical Bonding. Molecular Geometry and Bonding Theories. Gases. Intermolecular Forces, Liquids and Solids. Chemical Kinetics. Chemical Thermodynamics. Electrochemistry.
E 101 – Engineering Fundamentals
Introduction, Historical Development of Science/Engineering and Industry, Definitions and Methodologies of Engineering and Science, Functions of Engineers, Roles and Types of Engineers, Engineering, Society and Environment, Engineering and Mathematics, Safety in Engineering, Design and Applications in Engineering, Research and Technology in Engineering, Engineering Education and Communications, Engineering Ethics, Engineering and Computers, Visits to Laboratories and/or Factories
ENG 111 – Introduction to Communication Skills
Basic study skills. Reading comprehension. Class discussions about the topic of the week. Vocabulary building. Critical analysis of texts. Freewriting. Research assignments. Paraphrasing and summarizing basics. Review of the English language structure. Practice on punctuation and capitalization. Listening and note-taking. Paragraph analysis. Outlining. Writing academic paragraphs. Cause-effect paragraph studies. Editing one’s own paragraphs. Portfolio keeping.
MATH 151 – Calculus I
Preliminaries, Limits and Continuity, Differentiation, Applications of Derivatives, L’Hopital’s Rule, Integration, Applications of Integrals, Integrals and Transcendental Functions, Integration Techniques, and Improper Integrals.
PHYS 101 – General Physics I
Measurement; Motion Along a Straight Line; Vectors; Motion in Two and Three Dimensions; Force and Motion I; Force and Motion II; Kinetic Energy and Work; Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy; Center of Mass and Linear Momentum; Rotation; Rolling, Torque, and Angular Momentum; Equilibrium and Elasticity.
COMPE 112 – Computer Programming in C

  bitirme tezi örnekleri, bitirme tezi, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi kapak, bitirme tezi önsöz örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz örneği, bitirme tezi sunum örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz, bitirme tezi teşekkür yazısı, bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, bitirme tezi örnekleri, bitirme tezi örneği, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi kapak, bitirme tezi önsöz örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz örneği, bitirme tezi sunum örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz, bitirme tezi teşekkür yazısı, bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, bitirme tezi arama, bitirme tezi abstract, bitirme tezi anket örnekleri, bitirme tezi alma şartları, bitirme tezi android, bitirme tezi almanca, bitirme tezi ara raporu, bitirme tezi amacı, bitirme tezi animasyon, bitirme tezi en az kaç sayfa olmalı, özel ders, bitirme tezi,

Fundamental elements of the C language. Selection statements. Iteration statements. Arrays. Strings. Pointers. Parameter passing. Standard library functions. User-Defined functions. Structures. File processing. Application programs will be developed in a laboratory environment using the C language.
ENG 104 – Communication Skills II
Introduction to academic reading and essay writing; vocabulary building; the mechanics and use of language; coherence and cohesion, unity and completeness, and syntax and structure; process writing and rhetorical patterns; essay writing; cause-effect and problem solution essays: components and outlines.
MATH 152 – Calculus II
Sequences, Infinite Series, Vectors in the Plane and Polar Coordinates, Vectors and Motions in Space, Multivariable Functions and Their Derivatives, Multiple Integrals: Double Integrals, Areas, Double Integrals in Polar Form, Triple Integrals in Rectangular, Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates.
PHYS 102 – General Physics II
Electric Charge; Electric Fields; Gauss’ Law; Electric Potential; Capacitance; Current and Resistance; Circuits; Magnetic Fields; Magnetic Field due to Currents; Induction and Inductance
COMPE 223 – Object Oriented Programming
Data types. Expressions and statements. Functions and scope rules. Class definitions. Inheritance. Polymorphism. Name overloading. Templates. Exception handling. Input/Output. Object oriented principles will be introduced using the C+ + programming language.
COMPE 231 – Digital Circuits and Systems

  bitirme tezi örnekleri, bitirme tezi, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi kapak, bitirme tezi önsöz örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz örneği, bitirme tezi sunum örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz, bitirme tezi teşekkür yazısı, bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, bitirme tezi örnekleri, bitirme tezi örneği, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi kapak, bitirme tezi önsöz örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz örneği, bitirme tezi sunum örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz, bitirme tezi teşekkür yazısı, bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, bitirme tezi arama, bitirme tezi abstract, bitirme tezi anket örnekleri, bitirme tezi alma şartları, bitirme tezi android, bitirme tezi almanca, bitirme tezi ara raporu, bitirme tezi amacı, bitirme tezi animasyon, bitirme tezi en az kaç sayfa olmalı, özel ders, bitirme tezi,

Number systems: binary, octal and hexadecimal number systems and their base conversion, and complement notation. Coding systems: BCD, ASCII, excess-3, and Gray codes. Boolean Algebra: theorems and properties of Boolean algebra, canonical and standard forms of Boolean expressions. Digital logic gates. Minimization of Boolean functions. Combinational circuit design. Sequential circuit design: flip-flops, registers, counters, and memory units.
COMPE 251 – Discrete Computational Structures
Basic mathematical objects of computational mathematics: Sets, sequences, relations, functions, and partitions. Deductive mathematical logic proof techniques. Discrete number systems. Induction and recursion. Graphs and sub-graphs. Trees. Planarity of graphs. Covering problems. Path problems. Directed graphs. Combinatorics.
ENG 211 – Communication Skills III
Introduction to critical reading skills and strategies. Understanding the use of examples. Identifying the organization of a reading text. Identifying the author’s main ideas and important points. Writing a response to an article. Summarizing a given text. Outlining and writing an Argumentative Essay. Using in-text and end-of-text citation.
MATH 275 – Linear Algebra
Linear Equations and Matrices, Real Vector Spaces, Inner Product Spaces, Linear Transformations and Matrices, Determinants, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.
COMPE 226 – Data Structures

  bitirme tezi örnekleri, bitirme tezi, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi kapak, bitirme tezi önsöz örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz örneği, bitirme tezi sunum örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz, bitirme tezi teşekkür yazısı, bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, bitirme tezi örnekleri, bitirme tezi örneği, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi kapak, bitirme tezi önsöz örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz örneği, bitirme tezi sunum örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz, bitirme tezi teşekkür yazısı, bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, bitirme tezi arama, bitirme tezi abstract, bitirme tezi anket örnekleri, bitirme tezi alma şartları, bitirme tezi android, bitirme tezi almanca, bitirme tezi ara raporu, bitirme tezi amacı, bitirme tezi animasyon, bitirme tezi en az kaç sayfa olmalı, özel ders, bitirme tezi,

This course introduces the abstract concepts that are useful in problem solving, and shows how these concepts are implemented in a programming language. The students learn how to choose a suitable data structure for a specific problem, how to create more complex data structures using the already existing data types, and also how to implement and analyze the algorithms developed for these data structures. The students get a chance to apply their knowledge by completing assignments written in the C++ language.
ENG 212 – Technical Report Writing and Communication
Types of reports and models. The choice of topics. Formation of preliminary and final thesis statements and premises. Departmental case studies. Writing paraphrases and summaries. Preparation of report outlines. Evaluation of print & electronic sources. Bibliography. In-text & end-of-text citation: theory and practice. Quotations. APA format in academic reports. Report presentation in written. Revision and error-detection in academic and technical reports.
IE 220 – Probability and Statistics
Role of probability and statistics in engineering, Introduction to probability. Probability laws. Discrete distributions. Continuous distributions. Descriptive statistics. Estimation. Inferences on the mean Comparing two samples. Simple linear regression and correlation.
MATH 276 – Differential Equations
First Order, Higher Order Linear Ordinary Differential Equations, Series Solutions of Differential Equations, Laplace Transforms, Linear Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations, Fourier Analysis and Partial Differential Equations.
SE 211 – Human Computer Interaction

  bitirme tezi örnekleri, bitirme tezi, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi kapak, bitirme tezi önsöz örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz örneği, bitirme tezi sunum örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz, bitirme tezi teşekkür yazısı, bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, bitirme tezi örnekleri, bitirme tezi örneği, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi kapak, bitirme tezi önsöz örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz örneği, bitirme tezi sunum örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz, bitirme tezi teşekkür yazısı, bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, bitirme tezi arama, bitirme tezi abstract, bitirme tezi anket örnekleri, bitirme tezi alma şartları, bitirme tezi android, bitirme tezi almanca, bitirme tezi ara raporu, bitirme tezi amacı, bitirme tezi animasyon, bitirme tezi en az kaç sayfa olmalı, özel ders, bitirme tezi,

Basic principles of user interfaces, human capabilities and limitations. Usability paradigms and principles. User and task analysis. Design process, prototyping and evaluation. Color and typography. New User Interface technologies.
COMPE 341 – Database Design and Management
Database system concepts. Data modeling with ER and EER. The Relational Data Model. File organizations and index structures. Relational algebra. Structured Query Language (SQL). Database design: functional dependence and table normalization. Introduction to database administration. A relational DBMS will be introduced in a laboratory environment.
TURK 101 – Turkish Language I
Historical development, structure, and usage of Turkish language, Practice on texts.
IE 305 – Engineering Economic Analysis
Economic analysis for engineering and managerial decision-making. Cash flows, effect of time and interest rate on money and physical assets. Methods of evaluating alternatives: present worth, future worth, annual worth, rate-of-return and benefit/cost ratios. Depreciation and taxes. Effects of inflation.
SE 346 – Software Engineering
Software Project Management: Metrics, Estimation, Scheduling, Planning. Software Requirement Analysis Techniques. Software Design Techniques. Software Implementation. Software Quality Assurance and Testing. Software Maintenance. Software Configuration Management. Risk Management in Software Development Projects. Recent Trends and Methods in Software Engineering. Introduction to CASE tools.
TURK 102 – Turkish Language II

  bitirme tezi örnekleri, bitirme tezi, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi kapak, bitirme tezi önsöz örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz örneği, bitirme tezi sunum örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz, bitirme tezi teşekkür yazısı, bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, bitirme tezi örnekleri, bitirme tezi örneği, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi kapak, bitirme tezi önsöz örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz örneği, bitirme tezi sunum örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz, bitirme tezi teşekkür yazısı, bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, bitirme tezi arama, bitirme tezi abstract, bitirme tezi anket örnekleri, bitirme tezi alma şartları, bitirme tezi android, bitirme tezi almanca, bitirme tezi ara raporu, bitirme tezi amacı, bitirme tezi animasyon, bitirme tezi en az kaç sayfa olmalı, özel ders, bitirme tezi,

Historical development, structure, and usage of Turkish language, Practice on texts.
COMPE 431 – Operating Systems
Basic design principles of operating systems. Single-user systems, Command interpreter. Semaphores. Deadlock detection, recovery, prevention and avoidance. Multi-user OS. Different resource managers, Processor management and algorithms, Memory management: Partitioning, paging, segmentation and thrashing. Device management. Interrupt handlers, Device drivers and controllers. Management of secondary storage. File handling. Data and program security and protection. Basic concepts of distributed systems.
HIST 101 – Principles of Atatürk and the History of Turkish Revolution I
Introduction to Revolution Ottoman.Empire: Geopolitic, Structure and Fall. Struggles for Westernization, World War I: Causes and Results, The occupation of Anatolia, Struggles for Independency and Atatürk.
COMPE 436 – Data Communications and Networks
Basic concepts of computer networking. Application layer and popular applications. Transport layer and TCP services. Data link layer. Transport layer and services. Network layer and IP. Networking and internetworking devices. Wireless communication. Data link control, and protocols.
HIST 102 – Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution II

  bitirme tezi örnekleri, bitirme tezi, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi kapak, bitirme tezi önsöz örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz örneği, bitirme tezi sunum örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz, bitirme tezi teşekkür yazısı, bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, bitirme tezi örnekleri, bitirme tezi örneği, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi kapak, bitirme tezi önsöz örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz örneği, bitirme tezi sunum örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz, bitirme tezi teşekkür yazısı, bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, bitirme tezi arama, bitirme tezi abstract, bitirme tezi anket örnekleri, bitirme tezi alma şartları, bitirme tezi android, bitirme tezi almanca, bitirme tezi ara raporu, bitirme tezi amacı, bitirme tezi animasyon, bitirme tezi en az kaç sayfa olmalı, özel ders, bitirme tezi,

Turkish War of Independence, Foundation of Turkish Republic, Principles of Atatürk, Turkish Revolution, Turkey during and after World War II, Turkey-Greece Relations and Cyprus Issue.
ORY 400 – Social and Cultural Activites
Students must attend at least one social/cultural activity in each semester or at least two activities in each academic year. The activities are announced on the webpage of the departments. The students get an attendance certificate for the participation of each activity. To get a passing grade from this course, students should submit these certificates to their advisors.

Technical Elective Courses

ISE 405 – Foundations in Information Technology Services
Service operation and continual service improvement domains of the ITIL standard for IT Service Management. Planning and change management. Asset and configuration management. Security management. Network management. Storage management. Request management. Incident and problem management.


ISE 407 – Introduction to Mobile Application Development
Mobile Devices. Mobile Platforms. Mobile Operating Systems. Mobile Programming. User Interface Design in Mobile Devices. Data Store in Mobile Platforms. Map and Location-based Services. Telephony and SMS. Sensors.


ISE 414 – Investigation of Computer Crime

  bitirme tezi örnekleri, bitirme tezi, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi kapak, bitirme tezi önsöz örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz örneği, bitirme tezi sunum örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz, bitirme tezi teşekkür yazısı, bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, bitirme tezi örnekleri, bitirme tezi örneği, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi kapak, bitirme tezi önsöz örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz örneği, bitirme tezi sunum örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz, bitirme tezi teşekkür yazısı, bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, bitirme tezi arama, bitirme tezi abstract, bitirme tezi anket örnekleri, bitirme tezi alma şartları, bitirme tezi android, bitirme tezi almanca, bitirme tezi ara raporu, bitirme tezi amacı, bitirme tezi animasyon, bitirme tezi en az kaç sayfa olmalı, özel ders, bitirme tezi,

Computer crimes. Vulnerability. Risk assessment. Electronic fraud. Viruses and worms. Computer crime laws.


ISE 422 – e-Government
Introduction to e-Government. Basic concepts and definitions. The components of e-Government. Managing e-Government projects. Infrastructure requirements for e-Government. e-Organizations. Measuring e-Government maturity. e-Government: a profile of Turkey and world trends. Risks: e-Government versus conventional Government procedures.


ISE 423 – Technology Trends in e-Government
Theoretical background of e-Government. The use of e-Government: local and global. Technical and organizational aspects to realize e-Government systems and contemporary sociotechnological methodologies. Enterprise architectures, reference models and frameworks: Zachman, TOGAF, MoDAF, and DoDAF. Interoperability standards: eGIF, EIF, SAGA, and other ISA (aka IDABC) programmes in comparison with local profile. Interoperability and integration strategies: service, event and model driven architectures, ESB, semantic approaches. e-Government systems security and identity management. Local and global initiatives and case studies.


ISE 424 – Distance Education and E-Learning

  bitirme tezi örnekleri, bitirme tezi, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi kapak, bitirme tezi önsöz örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz örneği, bitirme tezi sunum örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz, bitirme tezi teşekkür yazısı, bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, bitirme tezi örnekleri, bitirme tezi örneği, bitirme tezi nasıl hazırlanır, bitirme tezi kapak, bitirme tezi önsöz örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz örneği, bitirme tezi sunum örnekleri, bitirme tezi önsöz, bitirme tezi teşekkür yazısı, bitirme tezi yazım kuralları, bitirme tezi arama, bitirme tezi abstract, bitirme tezi anket örnekleri, bitirme tezi alma şartları, bitirme tezi android, bitirme tezi almanca, bitirme tezi ara raporu, bitirme tezi amacı, bitirme tezi animasyon, bitirme tezi en az kaç sayfa olmalı, özel ders, bitirme tezi,

Definitions, history, and theories of distance education and e-learning. Instructional design. Tools and technologies for distance education. Multimedia learning, computer-supported collaborative learning. Learning management systems. New directions and developments.

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